Goal:  Create an engaging showcase of Nike Pro Bra collection and inviting bra-fitting experience, both share-worthy.

Problem: Typically, buying a braisn’t a fun experience. Bras are often presented with overly sensual connotation, and sports bras are seen as utilitarian and not exciting.  Many girls worry about their body sizes, and claustrophobic fitting rooms don't help the stress. And yet, the brand wanted to see their consumers taking selfies, even inside the fitting rooms wearing their NikePro Bras. Both the consumer journey and environment had to encourage the girls to feel bold, confident, and sexy.

Solution: In the two-part consumer journey, girls received a bra fitting, and customized the fitted bra with calligraphy art by artist Baron Von Fancy. To convey positive concepts of “inclusivity” and “diversity,” we used a combination of materials such as iridescent + wood + mirror + hot lava +nude, as well as gradient of “blush” hues from hot lava to nude. From the simple and bold window display, to the installation of Baron Von Fancy’s quotes and the Nike Pro Bras, girls were compelled to pose in front and be proud of the campaign.


Client: Nike
Agency: Team Epiphany

Creative Direction + Spatial Design:


2017 Ex Award Best Pop-up Retail Winner